7/365 Cartridges

My wife decided she wanted to make an online boutique of retro gaming and 80s-inspired stuff (a direct quote: “none of these assholes selling this shit were even alive in the 80s.”). So Day 7 of 2024 was spent creating products and making product shots and what-not. This was pretty fun, to be honest. All those YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels about getting rich in 24 hours notwithstanding, there is quite a bit of moving parts to setting up an online business, especially if you don’t want to waste your money. 

I was taking photos of my own collection of 80s ephemera for content, and one I took really caught my eye; above is a selection of the Atari 2600 carts I have. I have quite a few (don’t know the total) but this is the stack of games I actually play on the actual machine. This photo makes me happy. 

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